
Three Gorgeous Gothic Hardcover Anthologies Inspired by Poe

Created by Sara Crocoll Smith, Author

A macabre escapade echoing the legacy of Poe's dark heart, where each page is a gateway to fear, obsession, & eternity...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

LLTP Tales Torn From the Heart eBook is in Your BookFunnel Library! 📢
about 2 months ago – Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 12:16:29 PM

Update on Love Letters to Poe, Volume III: Tales Torn From the Heart eBook Delivery

We promised in the Three Gorgeous Gothic Hardcover Anthologies Inspired by Poe Kickstarter campaign that we would deliver the Love Letters to Poe, Volume III: Tales Torn From the Heart ebook in Oct 2024.... Cue drum roll 🥁 and excited cheers 🤩🎉 

We are excited to announce that the eBook has been delivered directly into your BookFunnel library! Whoo-hoo!! 📢 

To read your book, just log in to the BookFunnel app or using the email address used in the BackerKit survey. If you log in and your BookFunnel library is empty, log in to BookFunnel using your other email address to get your book. If you do not have a BookFunnel account already, you'll need to make one using the email you provided Kickstarter.

By delivering the book this way, there is no link that expires, and the book will always remain in your library. BookFunnel has excellent tech support and are happy to help solve any issues you might have if you need to contact them.

Love Letters to Poe, Volume 111 eBook

Next up: August 2024: Ordering print proofs, finalizing print versions

Janet is working on adding the cover designs to the book file for the paperback and hardcover versions of Love Letters to Poe, Volume III and the updated hardcover files for Love Letters to Poe, Volume's I and II. Once complete, we'll be ordering the print proofs. We're on track to start shipping the paperback and hardcover books in October to those who ordered them!

Shipping Reminder

Please note that we currently don't have shipping prices entered for physical rewards in BackerKit. We plan to wait until closer to fulfillment to enter and charge you for the physical items on your survey to get the most accurate/fair fulfillment prices. We will update backers after entering those shipping prices before we charge you in BackerKit.

Thanks again for all the support and, as always, if you have any questions, please reach out. 💙

Sara and Janet

Things are moving! ✨
4 months ago – Mon, May 20, 2024 at 05:24:13 PM

We're very excited to share an update for this amazing anthology!

ALL edits are nearly complete for Volume III: Tales Torn From the Heart. More exciting... Sara has already begun formatting and creating the book file! We are rolling along as scheduled and we're eager to see the book come together in it's hauntingly beautiful splendor 😁

     Next up: June 2024: Formatting of books

More updates are following soon, so keep an eye on your inbox! Thank you so, so much once again. And, as always if you have any questions, please reach out. 💙

Sara and Janet

New Update: Progressing on Schedule!
5 months ago – Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 11:27:12 AM

Hello backers!

In today's update on the status of Three Gorgeous Gothic Hardcover Anthologies Inspired by Poe, we want to share with you about how the project as a whole is going. Everything is going very well and as expected. 🥳

For backers who purchased eBooks [EXCEPT Love Letters to Poe, Volume III: Tales Torn From the Heart]: The Hopeful Horror Digital Bundle and LLTP Volume 1 and 2 in ebook format were added to your BookFunnel library in January 2024. If you log in and your BookFunnel library is empty, log in to BookFunnel using your other email address to get your books. If you do not have a BookFunnel account already, you'll need to make one using the email you provided Kickstarter. 

For backers of paperbacks, hardcovers, and the Love Letters to Poe, Volume III: Tales Torn From the Heart e-book: Sara has been steady working her way through copy edits of each work this month and Janet has been working on the templates for the paperback and hardcovers so they will be ready when copyediting is complete. As you can see from the timeline below, we're right on/bit ahead of schedule to deliver the LLTP Volume III eBook and begin shipping for print versions in October 2024. We will be sure to keep you updated as we continue moving forward.

Timeline for LLTP 3

March - May 2024: Copyediting of and contracts signed for accepted submissions

June 2024: Formatting of books 

July - August 2024: Ordering proofs, finalizing print versions

September 2024: Final survey sent; shipping charged and collected based on final weight of physical rewards and add-ons

October 2024: Love Letters to Poe, Volume III: Tales Torn From the Heart e-book delivered and shipping begins for print versions

Thank you all so much for your incredible support! You all are the ones who are making this happen! As always, send us any questions and have a wonderful day!

Sara and Janet

Authors Announced!
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 09:26:20 AM

We've got exciting news! 

Updates on Submissions for Tales Torn From the Heart

We are very excited to announce that the anthology includes 22 epic stories and 6 exceptional poems, written by 11 returning authors who either contributed to Vol. 1, 2, or both and 17 exciting new-to-LLTP voices!

And... Sara has started copyediting the stories and poems that will be in Love Letters to Poe, Volume III: Tales Torn From the Heart - whoo-hoo! 🥳

Authors Announced! 

We have another fun announcement! We are ready to share the names of the authors and give you a peek at their story/poem titles! 🎉

Janet created a shareable graphic (sized for instagram and facebook) and we've also listed the information below the graphic. 

LLTP Volume 3 names of the authors and their story/poem titles

*Please note that the list above and below is in alphabetical order by last name - not the order the stories/ poems will be in the anthology. Sara will arrange the stories and poems in the volume in the way that flows the best.

*Author Name | Story Title

  • Chris Semtner, Curator, Edgar Allan Poe Museum in Richmond, VA | Foreword - "Retelling Poe's Tell Tale"
  • Hugh Alan "The I in the Eye"
  • Jared Baker "Facts of the Case"
  • Devan Barlow "The Were-Vultures' Revenge"
  • Rose Biggin "Tall Leather Teeth"
  • Melanie Cossey "My Tell-Tale Confession"
  • Renee Cronley "Home Is Where the Heart Is"
  • Jasmine De La Paz "The Lovelorn Hearts"
  • Halimah S. Dilazak "Scarlet House"
  • Susan Earlam "Two Moons Tavern"
  • Alyson Faye "Feathertide"
  • Lori Green "Til Death"
  • Xandra Harbet "Heart to Heart"
  • Vincent Heselwood "The Tell Tale Her"
  • Leanna Renee Hieber "Her Pale Blue Eyes"
  • Maggie Nerz Iribarne "At Last, You've Come"
  • Jackson Kuhl "The Abrupt Arrival of Lambert Baines"
  • Jon Lasser "That Infinite and Lonely Street"
  • Molly Likovich "For The Sake of Her Heart"
  • Gregory R. Meece "The Ticking Tomb"
  • Jeremy Megargee "The Best of Me"
  • A.R.C. Mitra "A Murmur, Like the Sound of the Sea"
  • Kurt Newton "The Red Leaf"
  • HV Patterson "Unquiet Hearts"
  • Mary Rajotte "The Mournful Influence of Unperceived Shadow"
  • J. L. Royce "The Gardener's Song"
  • A.A. Rubin "And Still I Hear The Beating of His Heart"
  • Beth Simone "Clarity"
  • Kris Waldherr "How They Met Themselves"

That's all for now. We will be sure to keep you updated as we continue moving forward! As always, send us any questions and have a wonderful week!

Sara and Janet


In Your BookFunnel Library Now: Hopeful Horror Digital Bundle and LLTP Volume 1 & 2
8 months ago – Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 10:50:33 AM

We're excited to announce that the Hopeful Horror Digital Bundle and LLTP Volume 1 and 2 in ebook format are ready for your reading pleasure!  

If you purchased the Hopeful Horror Digital Bundle, Volume I: A Toast to Edgar Allan Poe and Volume II: Houses of Usher (part of the LLTP eBook Bundle), your books have been added to your BookFunnel library.

Hopeful Horror Digital Bundle
Hopeful Horror Digital Bundle
Volume I: A Toast to Edgar Allan Poe
Volume I: A Toast to Edgar Allan Poe
Volume II: Houses of Usher
Volume II: Houses of Usher

Get your ebooks from your BookFunnel library

To read your books, just log in to the BookFunnel app or using the email address used in the BackerKit survey. If you log in and your BookFunnel library is empty, log in to BookFunnel using your other email address to get your books. If you do not have a BookFunnel account already, you'll need to make one using the email you provided Kickstarter.

By delivering the books this way, there is no link that expires, and the books will always remain in your library. BookFunnel has excellent tech support and are happy to help solve any issues you might have if you need to contact them.

As always if you have questions, please reach out. We're so excited to share these books with you and want to make the process as simple as possible so you can spend your time reading. 📚

Happy reading!!

Sara and Janet